Review by PorterUk

Top Gun: Maverick 2022

I've seen this twice in 3 days. That's why it is a 9 out of 10 for me.

Some details...

  • First up, a round of applause to Tom Cruise and his team for not making a disgrace of a film. They have delivered a worthy sequel to the original - a film that we hold so dear but time has not been too kind to.

  • the jet sequences are phenomenal. Absolutely beautifully shot but they're direct descendents of the MI franchise, particularly Fallout, and it goes to show how this film has been percolating for a decade or so. They're the benchmark for aviation shots.

  • the cinematography. I'll say it, it's a mixed bag. The colour is borrowed from the first but there were times the higher frame rate in dramatic scenes made it verge on the Cobra Kai/Netflix feel. My second viewing reduced this a bit so it may be the cinema you watch it in could define the experience.

  • Jennifer Connelly... I'm not sold on her acting here. It's a bit too cocky that it comes across as monotone. But it's a minor niggle as she's essential to the plot and her arc works very well.

  • The students. A little bit Cobra Kai again. But by the time the final 3rd comes around, we're past caring about anything hammy or contrived. The story rolls like a freight train and everyone comes along for the ride.

I found this film more enjoyable on a 2nd watch. The pacing is excellent and you appreciate that on the second watch. Cruise gives you what you want in the first 3rd, builds a wonderful tapestry (there's a reason it's called "Maverick") in the second 3rd, and then gives us what we need in the final 3rd.

Truly, Tom Cruise needs a lot more appreciation than he gets - across the board. This guy doesn't phone it in. He is totally believable in these roles. His dedication to the craft should be lauded from the rooftops.

I know these are just films. But they are also cultural touch points. And this one deserves to have the same impact as the first one for its absolutely spectacular aerial cinematography.


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