Shout by Freya Goddess

What Zabb Man! 2022

My thoughts
I want to write the review without comparing the pairs to their previous work, but I'm not convinced I can.
I see improvement in everyone. Actor wise were funnier, delivered their craft better and even the writing was not bad. Considering that was Ning's first job as the director, he did a pretty decent job here.
BankBonus are always fabulous. I love watching their chemistry, they're bursting the screen every time and it's such a shame they get angsty plots all the time, but we never see a kiss.
What can I say? They work together like they know each other for years and I was glad to see a more confident Peter and a more comfortable Boss, but I still stand behind my previous words- Boss should retire from BL, it's not for him. I have to say that I loved Boss' hair here more than he had on Hidden Love or Not Me, no more buzz kill hairdo, please.
All in all, I enjoyed the fluff series, but probably won't value a rewatch.
7.5 stars Freya scales.

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