John Rowland, with each appearance he is hotter and more handsome. And he did well in life... He was already prestigious in the last appearance, engaged to a woman heiress of a hotel chain, and now he owns a restaurant. Who would have thought, right? He promised Gaby they would have a good life and he managed to do that for himself – I just wish they had talked about his son, the last time he showed up his wife was pregnant. Anyway, about this plot, I find Carlos’ faces and mouths funny during their first meeting, even more so when he sees Gaby letting her hair down.

Ana went to look for John because she was interested in him, it’s on her face, and it’s still going to pay off. And I really loved Gaby telling Carlos that if anyone didn’t pass a “test”, it was him, for distrusting her... She has already redeemed herself a lot for having jumped the fence. I don’t think it’s going to happen again between her and John, because she’s doing really well in her marriage, with the girls and all. But this moment when she looks at the photo again shows that the feeling was very real... I think it’s normal to get a little “shaken” like that when you come across someone who meant so much...

My God, Bree made Candace break her nose out of jealousy of Karl. I laugh my ass off at this fall she takes with Orson in the middle of the dance floor. And Orson thinking she did it because she still likes him... I can only laugh. And the most ironic thing about it all is that his words only made one thing clear in Bree’s head: she’s in love with Karl. “Only a woman in love would do that.” Karl was mean to date another woman. If it was just a case of going to the club, the restaurant and such... But they were planning to go to a motel. Bree disgusted by that was funny. I like those moments of both, they work great together.

It was WONDERFUL the scene that Lynette and Tom reveal to their children about their pregnancy. Porter giving them the biggest moral lesson about Tom having to drop out of college and Lynette quitting her job was so funny. Reversed roles. About this promotion that Carlos gave her, I think she could have been honest with him...she could have said right away that she couldn’t accept it. So I’m hoping she doesn’t take too long to tell. As she said, she can “prove her worth” within this new role and then come to him and say that she’s just found out she’s pregnant and is already advanced – that’s not that uncommon. Because if he finds out by chance, I think it will be complicated. Anyway, Tom drinking bottles of wine for Lynn was great, he got drunk!

Finally, we have this Susan plot. On the one hand, a mother is capable of doing anything to protect her children and this has happened in the series before. When Andrew ran over Mama Solis, Bree protected him. When Lynette found the pictures of the kids in Art’s basement, she got Karen to spread the word that he was a pedophile — and later regretted it, though he did show his claws after his sister’s death and confirmed between the lines that she was right. And now, Susan with Danny... On the one hand, it bothers me that she clearly states that he’s guilty, that she sees in his eyes that he’s a monster... But on the other hand, you can understand the anger and frustration when she sees him having a good time fixing his car while Julie is hospitalized after an attempted murder, and he’s a suspect. It may have been exaggerated what she did to him, lowering the car, nearly crushing him. But I take this “maternal” part into consideration. Because it exists.

At least when she learned he was being cleared of that suspicion, Susan tried to lend Angie a helping hand after the riot people had made on their property. Redeeming mistakes is essential. Bad is when the person is proud and doesn’t recognize that they were wrong, which is not the case for them.

Now, about the Bolen: we find out that their name isn’t really that and they’ve been on the run for a LONG time. For what reason?

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