This may have been the first episode of Buffy I ever saw, and caught it when it aired. This still holds up as a classic episode, but on this particular viewing it wasn't as creepy and wasn't scary like I found it the first time as a teenager in 1999, but I definitely got more out of the scenes with Willow and Tara, which were cute, hot, and effectively fantastical, and then, again, cute; all-in-all, very affecting, which is an accomplishment given Tara was a brand new character here, but I immediately liked her and was impressed by her gumption, and the chemistry between Amber and Alyson was clearly there from the beginning.

I'm really looking forward to seeing this relationship unfold, with new eyes. I was in one of the fly-over states in a conservative area before the nation had its growing up period with accepting the reality of human sexuality, so I wasn't aware I knew anyone who was bi or gay at the time (key word: aware) so hadn't come to terms with it enough to appreciate the pair.

I also actually appreciated the Buffy/Reilly stuff more this time, oddly enough-- at least up to this point. Unlike many I'm totally into Buffy/Angel, but I can empathize with both Reilly and Buffy as well this time around.

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