That was seriously some of the best star wars i have seen TO DATE. PERIOD. BAR NONE. This show is fantastic!

how bright was the lightsabers my god. My oled tv and those lightsabes *chefs kiss

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@sithhomelander was stunning on oled

And my backlight went crazy for it :grin:

@sithhomelander is this sarcasm? Hard to tell with Star Wars fans...

@the_argentinian No it's not. It's what i feel. I know it's trendy to hate popular stuff but im just not one of those people.

@the_argentinian No it's not. It's what i feel. I know it's trendy to hate popular stuff but im just not one of those people.

@sithhomelander man, are you easily pleased. "wow, look how shiny and bright the lightsabers", lol. Are you 5?

@the_argentinian Man you are so edgy so so edgy not liking star wars. So edgy so unique so stunning and brave.

@sithhomelander are you saying there are no valid reasons for disliking this Disney series other than being "edgy"?
