This was basically a sequence of illogicality in terms of character placement.
How is the Third Sister faster than Leia who was on her way much longer. Even if she took the faster route: Why would Leia not have been taken the fastest one??
How doest the sleeper agent know where Obi-Wan is, but none of the inquisitors does? How does she get there so fast? And why the fuck did she not cross path with the Third Sister??
Not to speak of how incredibly unfounded and unrealistic it was for the Third Sister to immediately find the entry in the beginning...

Sorry, but as much as I want to like it. The later half did not suspend my disbelief in the least.

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Completely agree, the character placement in this whole series is very poorly done. why does Vader just walk away when he could have, and already did, extinguish the fire the first time?

Give the audience some credit, I really hope this gets better, but I’m losing interest quickly. I’ll probably still watch the rest, just to see what happens, but I’ve lost all excitement about this series.

@agiledood Yes. I completely forgot to mention this part. The reignited fire was exactly the same situation as before but suddenly he can not force hold and choke Obi-Wan a second time? There was absolutely no sensible reason for him to no longer want to hurt him or to be angry no longer

@lenodos Because she's a 10-year-old child? Pretty sure she'd be slower than a force-assisted adult (who also has access to speeders).

@velvetthunder Speeders within a tunnel system? If so why did she not pass Leia on her subterranean speeder?

@lenodos Reva never entered the tunnel. (You literally see her leave that room). She went across the surface to cut her off at the other end.
