Susan doesn’t have much luck with anything at all, it’s impressive. First the detectives downplaying the allegation she made against Katherine – particularly I think they could have at least compromised to interrogate her and verify an alibi. And then, the woman who volunteers to segment things is someone who hates her deeply. I laughed too hard when Susan and Mike saw Denise and Katherine hugging. And then Susan almost begging Denise to forget the feud and put the grudge aside. It’s easy to talk when you’re not the victim, right? I find this prison moment so amusing, Denise’s satisfaction with that laugh is contagious. I think she just put her in jail at the police station to get even, or will Susan be prosecuted for not reporting this to the police? Wouldn’t Katherine have committed the same crime then, even though she was the victim of the shooting?

How can you not love Angie? She’s all sincere, she’s just a charm. I like that and of course Bree would be uncomfortable. Bree ALWAYS says she hates public displays of emotions, whatever they are. Anyway, it was very wrong for her to ask for the recipe telling a lie, saying that she would make lunch for a friend, with plans to serve food at a big event, even after Angie asked not to pass it on... Angie was very direct and demanded that Bree tell me the reason for not liking her, I liked that. I love that they were both very honest and Bree even opened up about marrying Orson, which is pretty unheard of. Nice that she decided to give Angie the job. They can be very successful, as friends and in the work environment.

Gaby is almost a saint, because it takes a lot of patience to deal with what Juanita does. As frustrated as she is, she doesn’t have to act like that... And Carlos never sees Gaby’s side of things. She talks, she’s sincere, and he insists on the mistake... Anyway, I liked this help from Ivana and I LOVED Gaby running after her in someone else’s house to help Juanita. It was great of her cleaning the floor. Finally Carlos understood that not everything Gaby is capable of teaching, and that this frustration they are both feeling is only causing a rupture in the mother-daughter relationship. Gaby crying because she won’t be able to keep the maid was very funny!!!

Julie is different, but I don’t think these changes that she is experiencing are meaningless. As she said: she grew up, and will make mistakes. Besides, it’s much more than clear that she had feelings for Nick, she just broke up with him because he was married and living in front of her. That’s why she’s tending to believe that what he says, that he really loves her, is true. And so she refuses to consider the possibility that he may have strangled her. When feelings are involved, no matter how sensible a person is, they tend to become more irrational – see Katherine who is extremely disturbed by her love for Mike. Lynette did it right, Nick was abusive and threatening when he said she would regret it if she said anything, and I LOVED SO MUCH that she wasn’t intimidated. Very nice of her and Tom telling Julie that they saw her grow up and consider her like a daughter.

Plus Angie told Nick that she LIED when she told the police he spent all night with her... So he was out and she doesn’t know where. She’s not stupid or anything, she’s known about the affair for a long time. Queen indeed. And the punch she gave him in the face? It was well done. He deserved it.

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