Review by manicure

Game of Thrones

Season 7

The pacing has improved tremendously, with battles getting more frequent and exponentially more spectacular, but at what cost? There's no way they could have it easy to wrap up all characters' arcs and end two wars in a dozen episodes, but the plotting is getting inexcusable.

People, dragons, this time even crows can cross the continent in a matter of minutes, greyscale can be cured with a pair of tweezers and some dragonglass balm, characters and events get forgotten along the way…

The most annoying thing of this season is how they retconned all the rules related to the white walkers just to have it easy once the actual battle starts. The wights always spontaneously came back from the dead in the previous seasons, and I am pretty sure that the last time Jon killed a white walker, I don't recall seeing any wights explode at the same time. Maybe it happened to be a walker who likes to play solo? Not to mention the mystery behind Viserion getting pulled out of the lake...

If we are running out of time, why waste so much time on meaningless events? The suicide squad expedition in the North and the big meeting at the end didn't add anything to the story and characters, if not an excuse to get an ice dragon to tear the wall down. The big plan to convince Cersei is as stupid as her decision to lie at the meeting. All episodes that could have been spent to actually move the plot forward or at least start closing some individual character arcs. Instead, we will get everything rushed in the next six episodes.

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