Review by somnomania

The Lighthouse 2019

This was a movie about how some people just don't do well in solitary settings.

Okay, I jest, but not entirely. This movie felt like a stage play, with the limited environments and extremely limited cast, not to mention the language involved. Many people would probably consider this an art film, and a movie that's being strange on purpose, but I appreciate it for pushing several boundaries at once. I expected Willem Dafoe's performance - he seems to be drawn to super weird movies - but Robert Pattinson was also a landmark performance. The way the plot dove in and out of both realism and fantasy was superb, masterfully done. Are these two men going crazy, or are you the viewer going mad instead? Was it all imagined by Thomas the younger? The sound design and cinematography were also amazing, all the creaks and drips and the blaring of the foghorn, the shots that are either so close or so far that you're not sure what you're seeing.

It was an EXTREMELY weird movie, and while The Witch felt longer than its 1.5 hour runtime (in a good way), this felt like it went on forever (in a good way). Those who are into such things might find that watching it while high or drunk lends it a different feel altogether.

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