Review by C
BlockedParent2022-06-11T09:29:22Z— updated 2022-07-12T12:29:28Z

I don't know how this progressed the story and what actually happened, but it was enjoyable. The Credence story seems to have been forgotten as a main story and seemed to be an afterthought that they felt they had to add in somehow. I feel like much of this story was Dumbledoor's sexuality as Gellert seemed a lot less overpowered this movie.

I don't know if it was Depp issues, but this just felt really off. The visuals were fantastic and if not for them and the action this would have been awful for just the storyline as it didn't fit with the other movies unless I ignored the main plots.

Maybe it's over with now, but I'd like to see it turn into a Fantastic Beasts movie and less of the Dumbledoor express. Newt just felt like he was along for the ride and it wasn't his movie.

So many plotholes happened that if I were to list them I'd feel like I'd have been attacked by a Dementor and I'd get fat eating chocolate all day.

Again, the visuals were great and so was Jacob who I'd love to see a TV show with.

A big letdown here because if they wanted to make a Dumbledoor movie they should just do that as I'd be interested.

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