Shout by Sunny Ost

Doctor Sleep 2019

The whole caravan gang is how I imagine Twilight having never seen it; add Stargirl or another teen superhero series into it; sprinkle some mental gymnastics to say it's been about The Shining the whole time; and you get Doctor Sleep.
I feel like this would be better separate from The Shining. Make it another story about superheroes/vampires, don't pull a classic into this.
All these references, throwbacks and trying to tie it in with The Shining... Seems like all of that was added afterwards as a cheap attempt to make it sellable - otherwise, very little people would care for it.
It was ok-ish if you discount The Shining. If you don't discount it, it's a disappointing money grab by Stephen adopted into a movie form.
Had to rewind multiple times cause I was trying to figure out if someone was supposed to be a character from The Shining or not while missing whatever was happening. They look like sitcom versions of themselves lol

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