Shout by Reiko LJ
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-06-22T17:22:17Z— updated 2022-06-30T17:17:27Z

Oh damn that scene with Vanya and #1. Lay it out plain - don't fuck with her!
Will be interesting to see how she becomes Viktor but damn they could have given Elliot a better wig for the start of this. It's really good he was comfortable enough to play out the Vanya parts of the season though.

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@reiko_lj Serious question: Did they not start filming season 3 until after Elliot transitioned? I was staring at 'her' the whole time looking for something off. But if that's a wig, they did a damn good job of making him look like Vanya from season 2, IMO.

@chibas I don't know about dates specific to Elliot's transition as that's his private life but I do know that his announcement of being trans was December 2020 and they started filming season 3 in February 2021. He'd already had his hair cut by then for sure coz the Time magazine cover and interview dropped in March.
