I enjoyed this episode but I learnt something about TV shows these days.

It's ok to mess with a guy, tell him he's a bad dad for not being around and making him love a kid thinking it's his... Then tell him it's not his and it's all ok.

It's ok to force a guy to unwillingly have sex with you so he cheats on his girl.

All these things happened and it's ok because it was women who did it.

But, dare to misgender someone and you're evil

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@walgeon I don't think the show acts like any of it is okay. Lila in general just isn't a very good person and she never had the best morales, it's really not suprising of her to do something shitty like that. And the show makes us sympathize with Diego on this I think - at least I felt really bad for him when I saw his reaction and he stuttered.

Regarding what Allison did I will not disregard the history/problem media has with not taking sexual assault of men serious enough or straight up making it the butt of the joke but I don't think that's what happened here. At least not up until now. No one said what she did was okay, it was even portrayed as a bad thing that upset Luther. And now that she killed Harlan I'd say she's pretty much a bad guy at this point.

@vanromanoff I think it's discussed and frowned upon, but not to what it would be if it was a woman who was the victim. If say Diego travelled in time and met Lila and told her that the kid was hers but from a different timeline and she died in that timeline. Then later said it was a trick to try to get her to like him... I think the outcome would be different and socially viewed very different.

If a guy had Allison's power and did the same thing we'd be talking about a totally different storyline here with a very different outcome.

Now, I understand that this is just the world we live in and in many ways I'm happy this show doesn't go too deep into these things because it'd be a different vibe and too dark. I do wish they didn't use them though as I would hate to think anyone watches it thinking it's an ok thing to do to a guy. Just because it's not cheered doesn't mean some young people might not get ideas.

Thanks for your comment. I understand I am being a bit dramatic here. I'm enjoying the show a lot. It's been pretty fun and different... It was just something my girlfriend and I noticed and were shocked about.

@walgeon I don't think you're being dramatic, I do agree with what you've said especially that people would view this differently if the roles were reversed. But I'm just saying that I personally don't think TUA handled it (the aussault scenes at least) terribly but maybe I've just consumed too much media that makes a joke of it in comparison.

By the way, there's a good Youtube video showing how common it is for men getting sexually assaulted being treated as merely a joke in shows & movies and why it is harmful. It's called "Sexual Assault of Men Played for Laughs - Part 2 Female Perpetrators" if you're interested.

You have had pretty solid replies so far. Just want say that these practices happen to both women and men. The way it happened to the men in this episode and the lack of discussion or call for accountability is what often happens to women - speaking about the portrails in media. These practices are shown in many shows and the way it’s handled in this episode is visible in many other shows. It seems that it does not matter who the perpetrator is. The acts are heinous and do not stop at whatever gender is presented. Women are capable of the same assaults as men are. Does that make it right? Or less then? Absolutely no.

@walgeon You only learned that now?

@walgeon None of these things are ok and the show doesn't portray them as such. Also, Allison didn't have sex with Luther (though what she did was still wrong).
You are right to be upset about how men being assaulted or abused is treated in media (although these days that is actually changing), but your anger is directed in the wrong direction. Who do you think created the idea that men must always be strong and show little emotions or else they are weak and less of a man? Women? What you are actually learning is that, because of these standards, patriarchal culture can hurt men as well as it hurts women.

Also two things can be bad at the same time, misgendering people is still wrong and I assure you nobody will call you evil if you do it by mistake, only if you do it intentionally and repeatedly as a way to hurt them
