Review by Justin Numerick


Season 1

I really like the setting of this show. The visuals are beautiful to look at and they really put you in the Montana countryside. I also enjoy the main conflict this season of three corrupt people from three different factions all vying for control of precious land. They all have their own reasons for doing so, all of which are understandable at times. However I thought that the pacing of this season was inconsistent and it made it a little confusing as to what the show was trying to be. Is it trying to be a melodramatic soap opera or a serious Western crime drama? It was hard to tell at times and I think the season suffered from not knowing exactly what it wants to be. It would fair better if it committed to one of these genres and went with it. This season also got wrapped up in subplots at times that didn't contribute to the main story or that ended up abandoned, and I felt myself craving more of the main story/conflict. I'm also not in love with some of the character decisions they've made with some characters, but other characters were handled very well. Overall this season was good and entertaining but could have been better. This show has a lot of potential and I'm excited to keep watching.

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