The people complaining about Vanya transitioning to Viktor should probably just stop watching and spare the rest of us. It doesn't take away from the story, the show's literal creator embraced it, why can't that be good enough?

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@bestivus It is good enough, but sadly people still choose to be hateful even though it's 2022. I personally thought the way they did it was pretty tasteful and didn't take away from the show at all - clearly there were conversations about this behind the scenes and they did it in a way that was positive for Elliot and the production team.

(I've been reporting bad comments for bigotry and blocking people, and would recommend anyone to do the same tbh.)

The show’s creator, sure. But not the source material creator? Unpopular opinion, I dont really care for the merging of art and performer without it feeling truly natural, this feels like an invasion of our world into this world of The Umbrella Academy. It’s a discussion worth having without labelling the detractors as transphobic unless it’s clear they clearly have ill will against trans persons in general…
