Definitely not for everyone. While I love a good horror movie, I have to admit that I'm getting a bit jaded on the "man's inhumanity to man" genre (i.e. the entire Saw franchise, Hostel and a slew of others). While this was far from being as gruesome as the above-mentioned franchises, it's just the basic cruelty of man that I've grown really tired of. We all do stupid things, we all "allow" ourselves to be put in stupid situations that we can look back 30 years later and say, "I wish I'd done things differently..." and we all have regrets and (in many cases) we all have an albatross around our neck that we have to live with. That doesn't merit having a sociopath hunt you down and turn your entire existence into a nightmare…and that's all this was. While the story itself was quite good, it seemed to get bogged down and wasn't sure how to wrap things up. Some would be uncomfortable with the conclusion but I thought it was very fitting…especially for how dark this movie was. While it's certainly not in my favorite line of movies, I'll stop short of saying "Don't watch it." Depending on your personal tastes, you might enjoy it as a screenplay. I didn't.

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