Review by Alexander Johnson

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Season 1

1x06 Part VI

First and foremost. I stand firm on my opinion that you like all of Star Wars in it’s entirety or you’re not a Star Wars fan. These comments are atrocious. The writing was wonderful and sentimental, they couldn’t have a grand revelations or changes because they have to keep within canon confines, the fight scenes were great you just expected more from ageing characters and actors, the dialogue was sentimental and wonderful, and the parallels between the fight in rebels was intentional perhaps to create a similar level of emotional resonance between Ashoka and Obi Wan, maybe use your brains damn.

I loved this series, it gave me just enough new insight to be engaging and fresh but kept true to the bones of the show. It was good to see Obi Wan struggle with his connection to the force over the shows run, and it was so magical having Leia, playing her theme at the end wrecked me and brought me right back to Carrie, the intentional fan service of “Hello There” was perfect, and you really went out there and got Liam Neeson. I appreciated every second of this show and I am so grateful it was made.

That being said. This works perfectly as it is, additional seasons would be unnecessary in my opinion.

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