Shout by Cory Copeland

Movie 43 2013

I will die on the hill that this is one of the most entertaining movies ever. Is it a great “movie”? No. It’s the biggest cast ever, with a bunch of insensitive jokes that push the boundaries of what’s acceptable…and then ramp it up a little further. I have genuinely not laughed as hard at many other movies, yet this movie I laugh that hard from start to finish. I can also honestly make the statement that despite coming out in 2013, I have consistently thought about this movie in some way, every week since I first saw it a decade ago. If you are easily offended, this won’t be for you. If you can take a joke, and wanna shut your brain off for absurdity, this is a must see comedy.

Rating: 5/5 (:star:) - 10/10 - Must See

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