Butcher Scenes: Man, I've lived a fucked up life and I regret so much...
Frenchie and Kimiko scenes:UwU I want to be on radioactive drugs again
Homelander Scenes: Mommy Milky I just want boobie juice and a son.... ;_;
Noire scenes: O_O
Hughie scenes: IGNORE MY COCK! Help me and I'll help you.
Soldier Boy scenes: Sex with old ladies, Drugs, and killing people for fun :D
Starlight Scenes: Doing some dumb social media bullshit and walking away unscathed somehow

Fantastic episode.

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@seanmsu pretty good summary. Still, kinda underwhelmed this season but better than the last one

@nescobar-a-lop-lop agreed, Kimiko, Frenchie, and Starlight all have super drawn out storylines.

How ironic :)) Homelander wants a son but he got a father.

@seanmsu I think Starlight can get away due to her rabid fans. Imagine if Taylor Swift had been villainizing other celebrity then suddenly she disappeared without a trace and the company did some BS cover up. The popularity rating would go downhill and for sure Homelander wouldn't want that.

@xaliber If the villain she was villainizing was easily capable of murdering her and everyone in the world and she was clearly there to steal shit then they would do it. Homelander really only cares about his core audience at this point and they believe she's a child trafficker, they wouldn't care.

@irina_elenamn Yeah, I think it's definitely tied together and is gonna get SB close to him for the final fight but either Homie or him will be disappointed and do away with the other

@seanmsu Damn, I hit this one on the head lol
