Shout by Jordy

Isle of Dogs 2018


Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2022-07-01T20:51:57Z— updated 2023-05-10T22:16:42Z

Undoubtedly Wes’ most political film, it’s very much a product of the Trump years.
It’s very good, though it could’ve been a little more bold as a metaphor.
I don’t think it says much more than don’t believe the propaganda that’s spread about the disadvantaged people of society , which seems like a very agreeable if you’re at least a little informed. I do like some of the other commentary in regards to corporatism and individuality though.
There were also a few minor parts where I started to get bored, but still: every shot is perfectly framed, the animation is gorgeous, the music’s outstanding and memorable, Wes’ trademark quirkiness is in there and makes the film very unpredictable, very good characters (especially the one voiced by Bryan Cranston), solid story and a heartwarming emotional core.


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