aka George Lazenby's "How To Get Away With Lying On Your CV".

A movie so bad, the title sequence would rather show clips from the previous 007 flicks. It's quite a surprise that out of all the flaws this movie has, Lazenby's acting is far, far from the worst of them. Sure it's obvious he hasn't got the experience for such a high budget, super hyped film such as Bond; he hasn't got the acting range required for the character, although with high exception for the really dark, sad ending. Production-wise, we've gone back to one fake punch per shot that was in Dr No and Thunderball, which seriously ruins what could have been an excellent first fight scene for Lazenby's Bond. Story is pretty barebones; it's just Bond chasing after Blofield despite M's wishes which... means nothing. Granted they do make an effort to make is like this film's Bond Girl Tracy which are the parts of the movie that saves it from crapness. It's good to see an actual relationship between Bond and the girl rather than "Bang me because plot says so" or the wonderfly aged "Bang me or I'll tell on you". This film wasn't a painful experience, just a boring one.

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