Damn, as if the last episode didn't already hurt enough... :o RIP Purin. What an utterly tragic past...

The adventure of the think tanks / Tachikomas was kinda nice. I'm slowly getting used to their high-pitched voices and can increasingly relate to them. The crying was weird but nice.

And it starts to look better! I was excited when they started constructing a virtual personality of Purin :) But I'm also worried! They have lots of data about her but not all. I'd feel way better if they could've saved/digitized (uploaded) her brain (since she was only shot in the body). I hope her virtual personality is complete enough (in theory it would never be perfect, unfortunately).

It also looks like they already started printing her a new body. I guess Major won't be the only member with a fully synthetic body then... But IIRC Major still has a human brain.

"Ok, throwing this guy [1A84] in for good measure."
Oh dear... Very exciting but I'm not sure if that was a good idea :o At least 1A84 was compatible with her human brain. Let's see how that'll work with a cyberbrain and what 1A84's intentions will be...

And let's see how everyone will react to Purin's "return". (Pretty interesting and sweet how the Tachikomas decided to delete their memories.)

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