Review by Plus

Day of the Dead 1985

I really really like the setup of strained relationship between the scientists and soldiers. There are some very spicy scenes and the acting is great. It’s a super good idea.

Gore-wise it is the best in the series yet. It continues to be quite cartoonish in how easily body parts burst into a pool of blood and how easily the zombies bite and tear off flesh as if it were plasticine, but Dr Frankenstein’s test subjects are done really well and succeed in making you feel uncomfortable; organs spilling out, brains bashed in, heads disembodied, forceps holding bits together... it is effective body horror. On top of that, the zombies in this film are the most human-like we have seen them yet; you feel sorry for them.

There is another element to it which is the strength of the protagonist, Sarah, esp in contrast to a pvt she is protective of. He has some terrible dialogue though, for example at the start: "I know you're strong, all right? So what? Stronger than me. Stronger than everyone. So what? So fucking what?" but i do relate to how scared he is and how he struggles mentally, and how every time he goes out to try to help he feels so useless and he feels shame and hates himself, he constantly fails in his duties, and he has no self-esteem left. And Sarah’s strength is tested throughout the film. She is scared too and has trouble sleeping and has a few breakdowns. She just keeps it together most of the time and thinks practically and she has a lot of confidence too, e.g.: "Don't worry. It's not going to come to that. We've just gotta pound some logic into their heads." so she sort of just keeps thinking practically about what needs to be done and does it along with confidence things will work out, although that is very much tested and does not work out in the end... but I really admire that and have things to learn from her.

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