Shout by The_Argentinian

Westworld: Season 4

4x03 Années Folles

Am I the only one confused about what the f is going on? Maybe I haven't been paying enough attention.

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@the_argentinian I feel like I understand everything, at least so far, but there's plenty we haven't been told yet. Last season ended with humans being freed from control by the AI that was sort of optimizing what happened in society. Becoming aware of this, people in the world began taking part in violent riots. At some point after, this became a "war" between humans and hosts, presumably due to their hatred of the AI - this was within the 7-year period between seasons, and off-screen for us, but referenced by Caleb and Maeve.

We don't know the scope of this war as of now, but we do know Caleb and Maeve at least have seen some action together - it also seems that there are human factions against the hosts, as shown in this episode. Caleb and Maeve assumed the war ended, but hosts were sent to kill them - so they've been brought back into the fold. On the host side, the Charlotte Hale host from S3 is leading the hosts (using the William "Man in Black" host, as well as hundreds of others), and they have some sort of grand plan that involves inviting humans to the park once again, now on US soil. It seems that Hale is hell bent on control.

The hosts can now "reprogram" humans by using the flies, which I think may be an evolved form of last season's tech that altered people's minds. Caleb and Maeve thought they were infiltrating the park and finding out what the hosts were doing, but they were just lured there all along, all to capture/use the flies on Caleb - he's somehow important for their plan, but we haven't been told why yet. (My thinking is since he was involved with the "memory alteration" tech before, maybe there's something about him they need - guess we'll find out. They've also been teasing that Caleb may have forgotten something relating to an injury he sustained during the war.)

Meanwhile, Bernard has been in the Sublime all along (in between seasons) - I kinda forget why he went in in the first place, but think it's to explore ways to "fix" the world itself or at least seek an outcome that would be good for everybody. (If you forget what the Sublime is, it's the technical "dreamscape" where lots of hosts found save haven towards the end of S2 - the bad guy from S3 wanted to get in there, and apparently so does Hale/William hosts, but Dolores had the key to it in her mind, so getting there is a big no-no). While there, Bernard saw countless simulations of the future of the world and seems to have discovered what to do, which he began to do this episode. (Stubbs follows him unquestionably because he was programmed - by Bernard - to do so, in S3, which is ironic.)

You are not alone :rofl:…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
