Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2022-06-27T03:12:28Z— updated 2022-06-28T04:11:06Z

The weird choppy visual of the worlds coming within "sight" of each other, like some sort of TV signal being erratically interrupted, was odd. I very much doubt something like that would look so sharply back-and-forth choppy. But, IMO, that's a relatively small complaint in yet another solid segment of the story.

A larger complaint might be: Why does no one seem to remember the existence of others who might be able to help: Kara, Barry, Jefferson, etc? That story-hole has been annoying me much more, lately.

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After watching the ensuing season finale episode:
Oh. Gotcha, Sam.
Coulda pointed that out sooner.
Damn. :-(

@thogek The answer to the complaint is that this show is taking place years after the other shows. Remember the crisis of infinite earths (the last crossover), that was Jonathan and Jordan were babies. so, all of that happened years ago. this is a different time now.
