Review by Victoria

Ms. Marvel 2022

Ms. Marvel episode 1 impressions: First of all, why is Disney shooting these Marvel shows with a 2.35:1 aspect ratio? Shows meant to be shown exclusively on 16:9 displays. It's rather annoying. Especially after they made their huge marketing push of having 16:9 open matted versions of the Marvel movies on Disney+ with the "IMAX Enhanced" label. Seems really backwards to have the Marvel movies in 16:9 and the shows at a wider aspect ratio.

Second biggest problem: WTF did they do to her powers? This isn't faithful to the comics at all. Why is her ability this weird energy crystal power instead of polymorphing? And instead of getting her powers from having Inhuman genes, they made her get her powers from magic bracelets? It's like if they made Spider-Man shoot lasers instead of webs. She might as well be a totally different character.

In fact, making the source of her powers come from magic instead of from a genetic modification is a hilarious blunder as magic is considered haram in Islam. They might as well have made her a super fundamentalist Christian superhero who gets her powers from witchcraft.

I could excuse the strange casting choices that made Kamala and Bruno look too young compared to their comic counterparts if it weren't for the fact they ruined her powers. The constant shapeshifting body horror of the comics was central to Kamala's character.

For me this is another hatewatch just like the Halo series. Like Halo, while it has some things that appeal to fans of the original lore, it has many other aspects that drag it down and make it difficult to fully enjoy the show.

MODERATOR EDIT: Be more respectful.

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@victoriaz As a 20 year old, a lot of aspects of this episodes made me say "yeah that happened to me at one point in time" whether it is about the parents, school life or being bullied or being asked to know what you want for the rest of your life from an early age. It's a lot for a teen. Iman is very likable, it's her first acting joint and she does a very good job. I don't feel the cringy riverdale teenage perspective that writers sometimes use in shows. The first episode is relatable, fun and intriguing. I've loved marvel since I was a kid and I agree some MCU stuff is really bad, it would be a lie to say this episode was really bad. As for the powers, we'll have mr. fantastic later on and they butchered the inhumans so I don't really have a problem with the change as long as they make it good. And they did. Glad to see your problem with the show isn't race related or diversity issue:))) Who cares what they change as long as it's a good change.

@victoriaz 1) She's a high school student being played by a 19 year old. I don't know how that's "too young" compared to their comic counterpart.

2) Yeah it'd be weird if any Christian superheroes (you know, since she's not "fundamentalist Islam" since she doesn't even wear a hijab to school) practiced witchcraft. Especially if they were like some Scarlet colored Witch or something.


1) The actress looks very baby faced compared to Kamala’s appearance in the comics. I’ve seen many women who still look like girls so it’s a poor argument that just because the actress’s technical age is of the majority she looks like an adult or even an older teenager. Female sexual dimorphism revolves around looking “under developed” and sometimes women end up looking so under developed they still look like young teens when they’re well past being adults.
2) I don’t know where the Scarlet Witch goes around constantly proclaiming herself to be a Christian but I’ve watched her Disney+ series and the MCU movies and all the characters seem rather atheistic. The Ms. Marvel comics differ quite a lot from most superhero fare because the whole gimmick is “ZOMG Muslim superhero!” You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a page featuring a hijab or an imam. Disney actually toned down the dress and behavior of Kamala’s family quite a bit for the TV series. But yeah, most superheroes don’t go around wearing religion on their sleeves like Ms. Marvel.

@victoriaz The comic creators were given a peek behind the curtain of future MCU projects & characters to come. The choice to change the origin of Kamala's powers was intentional so she will fit in better with the future of the MCU and the people who created her gave the change their blessing. You might not like it, but if her creators are cool with it then so am I.

Also, until we know how the source of her powers works we can't say for sure that it's magic. It could be very advanced technology instead.

@victoriaz too young? the actress is literally three years OLDER than the character, who's sixteen.

@victoriaz Maybe try to appreciate films and series as their own artform, don’t compare things to the source material. It doesn’t need to be like the comic, because the comic isn’t some untouchable holy grail of perfection. Give artists the room to create and invent, try to be open minded.

Oh and shows don’t need to be 16:9, cinematic aspect ratios have been used in shows for nearly a decade now lol.

@victoriaz Oh woops turned out she had a mutation all along. That's why it's better to be right than to be first, your comment will sit on top of the show here probably until the end of time, upvoted by other angry comic loyalists and ms marvel haters, but it aged horribly and the points you made are wrong, and disrespectful to a teenage girl's appearance. Shame.

@victoriaz so do you wanna retract this knee jerk reaction after the finale? Since her powers have clearly been confirmed as never being magic and a form of mutation and she shape shifts still. Infact, we even got a full true to panel "embiggen" scene.

@kiirkas kudos for spotting the twist a month in advance. They re-retconned Kamala back to the original origins of being a Mutant before the anti-Fox Inhumans mandate got passed down. And now Kamala also gets to the first the mutant in the MCU.

@paulvincent83 :clap_tone4::clap_tone4::clap_tone4::clap_tone4::clap_tone4:
