Review by J_345

If a cut would make them come at you you would think, let me not roll up my sleeves and also wear something better than some overalls :man_facepalming_tone3:

How you make a slow ass caterpillar catch you lol

So the girl at school went from being bullied too then going right to the sister to start something? That’s unlikely and not how that works, it was a weird decision by the writers and didn’t make sense

Its such a privilege thing to get pissy at your parents for working and making money lol makes me laugh evertime i see it in a movie out tvshow

Lets just waste a flare to show her we can’t drive? I swear these shows don’t understand the concept of rationing things after an apocalypse

So the infected cant see or hear? Just smell correct? Confirm later in the episode yes

See Umbrella’s soldiers have the right suits

Dont tell the world went to shit because some vegan let out an animal. I hope to shit not.

Oh great the dog can knock through a metal door so lets go in a glass room lol

Why is there no night security at this dangerous lab?

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