Once again the same bs narrative where someone knows something and all they had to do was say it out loud and save a lot of lives. Just tell the dad what you know from the video call Jesus!!! Then the daughter is having reactions and not telling the father :man_facepalming_tone3:

That was such a good line, “the only way you can trust anyone is when they need you”

If i have to hear another teen slamming door I’m going to go crazy.

Now after you had that video with the investigator you think its wise to let her go school? One minute shes rushing to get home worries and the next day everything is fine? I don’t understand the logic

She clearly looks sick, im over the teen drama shit now. Just jump to the current timeline already. At least the current timeline she calls it as it is and dont beat around the bush

People come off crazy when they suggest that this stuff could happen in the real world but come on a part of you have to realize this is the same outcome corporation’s want to control the masses and its always and and will always be about money. Its scary to think about. One of those will definitely be the end to what we know today

So Mr Trafficker was all that talk and just gave in lol

He just said to shut up and this guy going say “what” :man_facepalming_tone3: i swear i hate people. This is why i would just stick yo myself.

Well i guess no one has watched “The Quiet Place” to know how to shut up, nothing is consistent in this show, you say one group of infected use sound but yet she stands still with no sound and it comes for her anyway, another set uses smell but the person wasn’t bleeding and they still went after them

Which way to the surface “up” what the hell kind of answer was that lol and that kids father still damn talking :man_facepalming_tone3: in a echo tunnel at that

You know a show is pretty bad when the most interested characters are the big creatures lol id continue to watch only to see what other creatures may show up

Shotgun to the spider didn’t work, let me go out with a stick. Lol unnecessary death

Just so everyone knows, the minute you scream by me you’re on your own

Man that lady that runs this devision of Umbrella is a psycho, her facial expressions is freaky

Thank you!! About time you tell someone whats going on

Really like that rendition of “Im only Human”

Can we stop knocking people out for no reason? If its to hide location thats what black bags or for. You run the risks of concussions and not to mention someone has to carry the person

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