Review by J_345

“So fuck off” lol Al is the only one that can put that psycho woman in her place although that would mean he is just as bad as her

So Billie grew up to be Korean? Lol

Soooo much better seeing the sisters argue as adults then the teenage shit. Was already routing for them to stay together in the first 30secs of seeing them together. Come make it happen especially if Billie is going to die anyway why not let them try to burn down Umbrella together.

Soundtrack was great this episode

I think a couple of us should invest in a couple big boats. Maybe something with sails. It always seems to be the full proof way to stay safe when things go to shit

What was being towed behind the boat? Ominous

Damn that boat cabin is nice, i could definitely make a good of that. Theres worst places to be in that world or even our present world

God damn Jade takes some stupid unnecessary risks

Did we not just see a few episodes ago an infected torn his hand off from being locked up. So we just going leave this infected tied up. We know whats going to happen right? Told you :man_tipping_hand_tone3: fuck why did it have to be her. If she had went through the proper channels they would have had proper security in the room and outside of it. See what you get for being stubborn

Wtf was that ending :joy:

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