Shout by Jordy

Lightyear 2022


Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2022-06-21T21:48:38Z— updated 2023-09-17T12:45:37Z

Is it just me or is there some circlejerk going on at Disney where they keep using the same group of actors over and over again for their different brands? Just stop using Taika Waititi already.

The movie itself is pretty whatever.
It reminded me a lot of Onward; you could do a lot worse, but it probably won’t be remembered within the broader Pixar catalogue.
Not a lot of depth or subtext with this one, it’s a pretty straight forward adventure (which is also fine of course).
Some good animation (lots of visual ideas are being pulled from Star Wars), decent voice acting, fine characters, story’s alright.
It’s kinda inoffensive and doesn’t really warrant some of the extreme reactions it’s gotten.
The whole ‘woke’ label is baffling to me, it just seems like a smokescreen certain people use to cover up for their own homophobia, which only emphasizes how the word ‘woke’ carries little to no meaning nowadays.
Any regular person will be fine watching this, regardless of their political leaning.
Ffs, it’s mass entertainment after all.


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@jordyep Agreed on the "woke" part. The same sex relationship didn't feel forced at all, it was well done and just normalized, just like you can see a lot of couples like this in real life. The whole "kiss" discussion leading up to the release was completely overblown, if was barely a peck.

Oh and my 8 years old didn't even register the same sex marriage, for him it was just two adults in love I guess.

@antiwoke If you think that two people of the same gender kissing in the background for 2 seconds is political or woke, it says more about you than it does about Disney.

@jordyep agree, nothing woke or forced in this movie.
