It’s the beginning of the end. The grip I feel when I start this season is always the same, in a great intensity. I’m so attached to the series and the characters, when it comes time to say goodbye again, I go into pre-finale depression. And this season starts very well, on top of that alluding to the first, giving the idea that it will end as it started.

As I said before, it is very interesting and different to see the main characters tucked inside the central “mystery” of the season. This time, the four of them with an active and direct participation, and not trying to unravel some secret of a new neighbor, but trying to cover up a crime in favor of a family. And I think it’s really good how they show their first reactions to this gigantic problem. If, on the one hand, Bree appears a little more imposing because of her convictions, that they must protect Carlos and Gaby because Alejandro is a “bad man”, Lynette and Susan evoke panic and guilt in the first moments of the scene in forest. Gaby, on the other hand, shows the fear that all that will go wrong and her husband will end up being sent to jail for ridding the world of a pedophile rapist like her ex-stepfather. Still, they make this pact – the scene of the four of them putting their hands on top of each other, in front of the dug grave, is great.

Maybe it’s even wiser to keep a detective like Chuck close by, because that way Bree can stay on top of any news that might come up on the matter, like, for example, the search for the family we know he has, thanks to the call he got when was being buried. But it’s also a wrong choice, because they get very nervous around him and he’s no fool. That scene with Alejandro’s car was very funny, Gaby not being able to drive, then chewing tobacco and feeling bad, I laughed so hard! But when Chuck showed up and decided he was going to take the car, they exuded nervousness at the excuses they made for the men’s accessories in the car - as Gaby said, they could have just said that “Aunt Shirley” was married and shared her car with her husband. . Anyway, it was very lucky that the robber showed up at that moment to take the car and Chuck didn’t notice any strange movements. At least that evidence, they no longer have...

I don’t judge any character for feeling guilty, because for me it’s unimaginable to carry something like that on my back. Even if it is Alejandro, a bad person, without character, capable of harming children, a rapist, a disgusting worm... What weighs more is that it is a life and no one has the right to take it away. That’s why I understand Carlos is martyring himself and even more so, because now he can’t even turn himself in to the police (if he wants to), as it would mean severe punishment for all involved, innocent people. I love Gaby for trying to free him from this, I thought the scene between the two of them at the end was very beautiful, when she exposed the fear she always felt of this damn worm and now she’s not afraid of him anymore. And she grants forgiveness for what Carlos did. I hope he can get through this, as complicated as it is – maybe impossible. BTW: Gaby was amazing throughout the entire episode. Talking about the new neighbor and introducing herself as Susan. Then giving the new priest exactly what he wanted, revealing about kissing two girls in college. And of course, the kidnapping of Father Dugan’s van.

Speaking of the new neighbor: I laugh so hard with Renee going to Ben’s house offering “coffee” and he refuses in that mocking way.

The worst case of guilt is Susan, right? She even disconnected from the girls and I found that so sad. Because it’s just now, that they share this secret with each other, that they need to stay together, providing support for each other. Even so, she yielded great scenes, I always laugh at the drama she makes when she goes to bury Cupcake at school. And honestly? I agree that she should tell Mike. He’s already been through this, he killed in self-defense, obviously he won’t go out and tell anyone and maybe it will be of great help to her, apart from that it will prevent her from being so reclusive inside her own house. What was discussed later, about the fact that husbands don’t know, means that they can’t be implicated if the bomb goes off makes sense. But I don’t know...

And finally, Lynette... What was that nightmare sequence, man? The series has never shown anything like this before and it was perfect, in the exact tone of terror with Alejandro walking up the stairs covered in dirt and blood, opening the door to her room. About the divorce plot: TOO SAD! And even more to see Tom’s face lighting up at the end, believing that they would get back together and start working to solve their marital problems, only for Lynette to cut his joy with that excuse of having had a nightmare. Absolutely understandable for him to get angry and decide to expose the situation there once and for all to the children. Lynette needs to understand that either she needs him or she doesn’t. For me, there is no such thing as not wanting him in the house, not wanting to get back together, but wanting him to be across the street. There’s no middle ground for something like that.

Lastly, I LOVE the pool scene. It’s so funny, crazy Gaby jumping on Susan and making her fall into the pool. And Bree jumping too, pretending she lost and found her earring.

Which brings us to the final scene. I can’t help but get goosebumps when Bree opens that letter and sees its contents. “I know what you did, it makes me sick, I’m going to tell”. The Mary Alice situation again. Too cool to bring this back in almost the same circumstances as season 1. It’s up in the air: who sent this, and what exactly does that person know?

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