Review by Tort

Players 2022

A must-watch for League (LoL) e-sports fans. Other e-sports fans might enjoy it as well, although part of its magic is the actual Riot casters and a few streamer cameos.

Unfortunately, I don't think that people that have never watched competitive LoL nor e-sports will enjoy it. I can't be subjective on this since I've been watching League since S4, but that is my best guess. There are just too many League and e-sports references, parallels and jokes in general. That is a HUGE positive for long time watchers like me, but people unfamiliar with the scene won't get them.

Addressing the LoL fans now, go watch this ASAP. This is kind of a comedic mockumentary, following the life of a fictional supp player "Creamcheese" and a fresh adc talent "Organizm". It has the cringy humour you would expect from pros, kinda like "The Office" but for a fictional League team. Team drama, community flame, fall from grace, drive to lift an LCS trophy, it's all there. You'll actually see the LCS studio, Riot casters and even "The Dive" commenting on the characters quite regularly. Still, you can tell it's a show though, because despite them being in NA, they dream of winning World's xD. We had Arcane, now this and an MMO in the works, good time to be a League fan!

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Reply by Zac

@tortugas I'm a casual PC gamer who never watches esports or live streams and has never played League and I've enjoyed this show a lot. I feel like the show has done a really good job of explaining the parts of League that are relevant to the situation without overloading me with information. I of course didn't recognize any of the people they had in the talking heads but they did a great job of grounding the show. Creamcheese can be cringy at times but his character has grown well throughout the season - i liked when he came home from the rough high school reunion and just sits down and queues with Org

@tortugas Wanted to chime in here as someone who has never played League or watched eSports and say that I loved this show!
