Shout by Corey

Nope 2022

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Nope’:

  1. I kept waiting, and waiting, for this film to get good. For the moment when things kick into high gear and it earns that price of admission. For me, it never got there. It always teetered on the edge of something fun and edge-of-your-seat… but it remained uneventful despite its seemingly-momentous scenes.

  2. The pacing was all sorts of wonky. It felt like there were a lot of disconnects here, a lot of questions. Scenes that went on too long. Unrealistic character reactions and decisions. My scalp is sore from all the head scratching. I just wish this were a more structured story with all the ideas it contained.

  3. Great cast, but the character of OJ was incredibly bland and emotionally flat. A more compelling lead character may have risen this film above all its flaws.

Bonus Thought: What was the significance of the mysterious balancing shoe?

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@tvwatcha3 I agree with your review 100 percent. I'm baffled by the high ratings for this thing. It was technically sound, but this whole story was just a big wet noodle to me.

@tvwatcha3 truthfully, I think the shoe was just a MacGuffin. A focal point and significant to one character that lent nothing to the storyline except to make you talk about it.

@tvwatcha3 At first, I thought the shoe thing was going to be some big clue too. Like aliens were responsible for the monkey's response there, even indirectly. I think watching Get Out and Us really left me with some big expectations about how the mystery was going to unfold...

@tvwatcha3 Your review is spot on! I struggled to make it through this movie and kept waiting for it to click! Horrible!

@tvwatcha3 spot on review and well written sir. I felt so underwhelmed and disappointed with a movie that looked so interesting. Sure, there were moments of “oooo never seen that before” but it all felt too contrived. 6/10
EDIT - just read another review that raves about it and questioned everything! I need to see it again.

@tvwatcha3 It's not just the shoe that was odd, but the whole rage monkey flashback. I'm at a loss as to why we were shown an event that in no way ties in with the story.

@emminem17 Why do you have 3 plays then?

@adnozen was watched twice by others in my household, but I personally only saw it once.

@tvwatcha3 - Nothing truly "significant", however, after the chimps rampage, it was what young Jupe was focusing on before the chip saw him and came to give him their signature "exploding fist bump" right before SWAT took him out. Strange thing to want to keep, much less frame and put on the wall, where he kind of worshipped it before each show. A lucky talisman of sorts for him maybe, since he survived, as well as apparently his younger costar, who was the maimed woman. However it was more the fact that he was staring at the shoe, and therefore NOT into Gordy's eyes, (direct challenge) which saved him.
