The clue trail was cute and very big homage to the games, the piano piece more than anything ofc. Got a Birkin name drop and straight up Lisa Trevor. Feels like they're leaning on the resi 1 remake more than others atm.

We got to see the classic Wesker leather coat and the indication that he was indeed the bastard I was expecting... Just not these days. So he's on the straight and narrow... Makes me wonder if he's being mind controlled by Umbrella as well.

Feels almost like some wires got crossed in the editing room? They do this big music swell and dramatic reveal of older Billie but we already knew she was alive and after Jade episodes ago? Really would have made more sense to not reveal that info until now. It also would have made more tension after she'd been bitten as we wouldn't know the outcome. Very odd but this show is dodgy execution in general tbh.

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