Bree came too close to ending it all. Thank God for the misunderstanding and confusion that Renee created in her own head, that Ben was getting involved with her… If not, she wouldn’t have made it to the hotel just as Bree was holding the gun to her head. I’m always very touched by all the scenes of these two in the episode. Renee’s expression when she realized what she was going to do... Bree herself lowering her head and crying. Fuck. And I think it’s so beautiful Renee going out of her way like that to make sure Bree wouldn’t try to do it again. We already knew about her history with suicide, in this episode she delved a little more about her mother, revealing that she had already tried once and was saved, but in the second, Renee wasn’t around to stop it. Heavy and sensitive. Anyway, I really liked that she persisted even after Bree stated that they are not friends, showing that she does have empathy and is a wonderful woman. For more Renee moments with Bree, thank you!

Gaby and Carlos: both reckless – and funny that only Susan is judged, and there are other characters doing wrong things. Carlos was drunk, ok... And he was saved by the bell! But what if it didn’t? He would have given it all away and everyone would be beyond lost by now. We still have Gaby’s decision to go to the police station to reinforce that Chuck’s death was an accident and try to get information about suspects from the investigator. What could be more suspicious than that? Anyway, I’m surprised by the final scene she has with Carlos, when she makes that threat in a super serious tone. His face says it all. Gaby was really menacing. BTW: how ridiculous Gaby once again putting the blame for Chuck’s investigation on Bree.

Lynette telling Tom that they both agreed that their separation was to find out if they can be happy with other people... When did she agree to this? NEVER! She was shocked when she found out about his relationship, and he had the nerve to take this topic to therapy. But, at least in this episode, I didn’t feel angry with him. Without Jane and all that fuss, he’s more tolerable. And I didn’t even want him to go to Paris. Jane deserved to stay there alone and come back alone, to understand that he has a family, that he has a little daughter and a baby girl and that Lynette will always need him. The little show she did in the last episode still stresses me out. Anyway, I liked the Tom-Lynette interaction in this episode, even with the pizza disagreement – I found the dialogue about it helpful, by the way.

Susan made one more dangerous decision... Going after Alejandro/Ramon’s family isn’t going to mean good things, it’s just going to mean more suspicion. I do understand her reasons. She has always been feeling guilty, hence the fact that he had a family, daughters, people who may not even know about his past and the crimes he committed against a child (since he even changed his name), and who are probably suffering from this disappearance. It’s risky, it’s stupid... But I understand her wanting to find a way to alleviate this guilt and take this weight off. But we cannot deny that this is risky and unwise.

Lastly, the person writing the letters struck again and was the one who took Chuck out of circulation. Again, Bree is the only “beneficiary” of these cards. Her theory that there is a person they don’t know, and who knows everything they’ve done, is still standing.

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