Review by DAVY X

Dashcam 2022

First without that piece of crap this movie would have been that bad it actually would have been good
Yes it's a rare one of those....

How fcuking annoying was Annie, she just wouldn't shut the fcuk up, I never ever wanted anyone to get got in a horror movie as much as her.
Disrespectful, disgusting,damn right deluded and a complete and utter tool.
She couldn't rap for shit and she was nowhere near as cool and badass as she thought she was.
She pissed me off and stressed me out that much it took my attention well away from actually
what was a decent messy pretty
awesome horror movie.
I just couldn't take anymore shit from Annie so I just wasn't engaged enough to enjoy the
cool messy going-on's.
If this was any other production other than BlumHouse this would definitely be a hard pass for me
without a doubt.

BlumHouse not like you to fcuk up like this and higher an annoying unbearable piece of shit like that,
but you did, and you got it so wrong this time.
Don't ever do that again to me with her.

What a waste of what could have been a decent flick
And a solid BlumHouse entry.

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