Review by Jordy

Bullet Train 2022


Review by Jordy
BlockedParent2022-08-03T09:05:31Z— updated 2022-08-18T21:31:26Z

Yeah I mean, it is very much that movie. If you want my unfiltered opinion: it's glossy & loud, it's discount Tarantino/Ritchie, it's engineered to be forgotten about almost instantly, it's very Youtube reviewer friendly, it’s edited for people with no attention span, it’s postmodern and cringy; it's all of that. It's aiming to be a 6, and I was kinda expecting it to hit that target given how much I was into David Leitch' previous directorial effort. Unfortunately, this is hampered by the fact that it very much feels like a product of the pandemic. I'm pretty sure everything was shot on sound stages, and you can really tell, because the effects are dogshit. The same goes for the action, most of it feels like it was choreographed based on what was possible for the day. It's a shame, because good visuals and punchy action are two of the key ingredients if you want to make this kind of movie work. Now, its biggest saving grace are the characters and some of the comedy. I think most of the characters are quite well done and colorful (props to the writing and actors), especially the duo played by Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Brian Tyree-Henry (again, even if they feel like they walked straight out of a Guy Ritchie movie). It did make me laugh occasionally, but there's also a lot of cringe in it, especially with its obnoxious use of bathos and cameos by people I didn't need to see. I'm also getting pretty sick of the Marvelization of movie dialogue, I could’ve sworn some of Pitt’s lines in this were written with Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool in mind. The story itself is a mess pretty much right from the start and completely flies off the rails in the third act (no pun intended). I'm not sure if that's due to the writing or editing though. In true Tarantino fashion it's told out of order, but here it doesn't enhance the experience in a positive way. I don't know, I'd wait for this to appear on streaming, it's only occasionally fun and not really worth of the big screen.


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@jordyep I thought this movie looked fantastic, so I don't know what kind of movies you are usually watching. This movie was everything I wanted it to be. David Leitch delivers once again.

I’ve gave it 5 because it is ‘meh’ and reflects what you’ve written. 4 is poor, which this movie isn’t.

This review basically covers everything I thought about the movie. Cheers

@jordyep how does it feel knowing that you are wrong?

@jordyep I watched this film on Netfilx at home, and I had a great time:) There're some funny lines that made me laugh. The "ladybug" reminds me of Deadpool as well, which I don't hate about. Overall I think this is a nice movie for weekend afternoon.

I wrote my comment before reading yours. I'm glad to know someone else had the same thought about cringe, humor and target audience.
Is there a point in time when suddenly everything became this low level "entertainment"?
