Following is a short combined review of the first 5 X-men movies, with the focus (of course) on this last one.

I just did a rewatch of the 5 X-Men movies released so far, this one easily tops all the previous ones.
Even though continuity is something they just don't seem to be able to manage properly in the X-men (cinematic) universe, and this movie also has its issues with that, it does not wreck this movie and is more of a sidenote than anything else. Mostly because the movie in itself (besides some smaller plot holes made for entertainment purposes) is very well worked out.

While the first 3 movies had some superior actors to the last 2, the stories are a lot better thought out. Popularity of the franchise with the mainstream cinema goer has gained a lot too since then, therefore its budget is much bigger as well (except for the 2006 'The Last Stand' which also had a massive budget.) This means bigger and more intense special effects.

I am of the opinion that Avoy and Fassbender are doing a great job on screen with their respectable character, but they do not top the iconic McKellen and Stewart, who are also present in this movie btw. It is hard to compare though, since the former have to play them at a younger age when the characters had a lot less experience than their older versions in the first 3 movies.
Talking about a recast; Mystique/Raven also got a new actress in the previous movie. Where it was first Rebecca Romijn who took up her role, she is now replaced with the (now massively popular) Jennifer Lawrence. I am a big fan of her work, and she does very well in X-Men too. It is only a massive compliment to Romijn that I think of her performance of Mystique as even better.
I found it sad that those 3 older (to me better) performances needed to work with way weaker movies and scripts.
With saying all that I also need to say that with supporting roles from Ellen Page, Evan Peters and Peter Dinklage this cast is without a doubt the better one overall.

The 2 newer movies, and especially this one, get more time in setting up a story and take time in character development and better timed dialogues. The movies are about 30 minutes longer than the first and the third one, but the rushed feeling in the second one proved that this is not a guarantee for a better movie. There seem to be more sets, more changing situations and every shot, scene and setting seems better worked out with more attention to detail. And all this without getting hopelessly lost in a confusing back and forth plot. Which is quite the accomplishment considering it contains time travel!

With a 3rd instalment on the way (2016) I can only imagine what they have in store with us. Apocalypse and his 4 horsemen are coming (already giving us a glimpse of them after the credits) and we will get Jubilee!

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