Wtf is everyone in the world gay now a days. All these shows make it seem like 90% of population is gay. This is just out of control. We went from depicting gays as a fluke in human evaluation to everyone everywhere is gay.

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Reply by sillytwigg
Blocked2022-08-08T00:04:11Z— updated 2022-08-10T07:08:19Z

@whos_ur_buddha four characters in a cast of 30+ (33 people are credited on this episode) isn't close to 90%.

Nope not everyone is gay these days it just mean we grown up people just tolerate others and can reflect if a still present problem like gay suppression or undermine women is thematic build into a show. That’s because we are not homophobic or fear strong women etc.
So to answer your question no not everyone is gay but the problem seem to be in your head. But maybe there are people around you who can help you with your problems and can help yourself to envolve to a good human beeing. Always consider professional support :rolling_eyes: - nice episode, remarkable Nixon tape analogy.

@whos_ur_buddha congrats on writing literally the stupidest comment I’ve seen on this website.
