Review by Patrick

It was nice seeing Rudeus, Eris, and Ghislaine interact with each other in this slower-paced episode where they just did tutoring, swordplay, and shopping. It was a nice way of reinforcing the character's personalities and how they play off with each other, and it showed how much Rudy has settled in to this new family, with Eris finally putting faith in him and being kinder towards him.

Although the tutoring sessions can be rough, it's nice seeing the progress that Eris, and even Ghislaine are making thanks to him.

Also, it's getting increasingly harder to ignore the perversion of Rudeus' character. Although I know a path towards self-improvement will have rough patches, it makes it harder for me to root for Rudeus' character growth in the show.

I liked the new lore this episode gave us regarding the Laplace demon and Pareguis, who defeated Laplace 400 years ago and supposedly lives in a floating kingdom. It's a nice touch to the story and I hope we'll get to see what life is like up there.

Also, I'm really curious about what life is like for Sylphette, now that she's alone back in the village.

The animation and fighting choreography is beautiful as usual. I liked seeing the swordplay between Rudy and Eris today. Not only was it well-animated, it also showed Eris isnt a slacker when it comes to stuff she's fascinated by.

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