Review by Alexander von Limberg

Better Call Saul: Season 6

6x12 Waterworks

Good episode. I did not really like the previous 2 "seven years later episodes". Other than showing his miserable life they didn't tell us a lot about what actually went down in BCS. I'm not really interested in his heist/robbery schemes. Yes, it was/will be satisfying to see how Saul's story ends eventually, but the show could have ended in 6x09. I guess producers felt like Saul needed his El Camino. But this episode is actually quite good and tells an important story. As if that wasn't clear, she feels guilty, she knows she did wrong and she will do the decent thing (even if it took 7 years to submit her affidavit and come clean). Not sure if it was really necessary to explain her emotional state explicitly. I mean we all (except for Saul) understood why she freaked out, but it's certainly nice to see her again (for one last time?). And her new life is pictured brilliantly. Seehorn doing an incredible job to show us her new persona who is a shadow of her former self trapped in Florida's suburbia. At least she is one of the few people who escaped the sinking ship more or less unscratched before things escalated in BB.

I wanted to say this last episode but it's not too late: Jesse became old. I wish they somehow would have deep-faked his face or something. Alternatively, he could have lost a few pounds. Matthew McConaughey style. Or even better: they could have pre-produced these scenes seven years ago, but that's maybe too much to ask. Or they could have refrained from adding him to BCS. It feels like unnecessary fan-service. I don't need him to understand that Saul has already transformed into the person we know from BB - right after Kim left.

PS: I still don't like the b/w palette. Classic b/w movies look vibrant and warm; this b/w palette looks dull and cold. Only the reflection from the past in Gene's glasses are a nice touch to the b/w imagery (an effect last seen in Schindler's Liste)

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