I really enjoyed the first half of this season, but the second half forgot to give me reasons to care. In the end I didn't care who lived or who died, I just wondered what the point of any of it is.

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@thoroughmas yeah it's kinda sad. the season had promise and had a good stretch around the middle but in the end i still just don't care about anything that happens because it's all too contrived

@thoroughmas Same. The first half gave me some hope that this season won't repeat the mistakes of the previous third season. A great world building with top notch performances (especially Aaron Paul) throughout. Then as the layers are peeled, we see the same pretentious mess, with even more preachy allegory than the third.

@thoroughmas Point is... this is happen NOW for our real world.
It's the way people with a tender soul (writers, artists) warn humanity to change the direction it's going. Humanity is currently on the brink of annihilation by its own hand.
