Review by Deleted

I'm glad they killed Bradley. I didn't even remember the girl was still alive...

Sometimes, I just wished they killed Norman as well, but if that happened there would be no show. Still, that guy really pisses me off sometimes. I mean, it's not his fault, he's crazy, but he really pisses me off. When he began dating Emma, he started treating her in a really weird way, like they weren't even friends, much less lovers. Luckily, she found Dylan. He's certainly better boyfriend material than Norman and I think she really deserves someone like him (I really liked Dylan's evolution since the beginning of the show). Btw, hope the transplant works out. They can't take her out of the show.

Bradley's death was enlightening. I always thought "his mom" only convinced him to kill the girls, but turns out it's actually "her" who kills them. That was interesting.

Also, I like to see that Norma is finally realizing how dangerous Norman can become and that she's finally doing something about it. It was about time. Still, she doesn't understand that her too close relationship with him it's what's causing this. Well, that and the fact that he has a natural tendency for lunacy (I mean, Norma said his father was crazy too; I assume she meant crazy like disturbed, just as Norman, and some psychiatric conditions are inheritable so I guess Norman got it from his father). Back to Norma, I love those scenes where she is actually worried, kind of lost, not knowing what to do anymore. It's more interesting than when she's in some random bar kissing some random guy who's old enough to be her son. And Farmiga's acting is so on point in those scenes...

It was a good season. There were some weak plots, like Norman and Emma's relationship and Bradley's return, but Dylemma, Bradley's death and Norma's worry (in the last episodes) makes up for that. Hope Dylemma is endgame, and hope they give a better development to Norman's situation next season, like they did in the last episodes, because in the beginning he was really pissing me off.

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