Well the first episode obviously did some initial grounding of the characters and set the scene of what we can somewhat expect from HotD season.

It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. I still can't get past 'Lord Corlys Velaryon' considering in the older times especially they kept in breeding as they didn't want their bloodline tainted. That is well known in the lore.

Back in GoT, Xaro Xhoan Daxos was a trader and fit well in the show, as did other ethnicities depicting different houses and regions. It just doesn't sit in the story well and is a clear token character to get a PoC into the main house. It would have been better to have a Meister role or other primary role but not Targaryen.

I always give new shows 3-4eps to either hook me or push me away, so we'll see what next week brings us.

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So your problem with the show is that there’s a prominent black character. Got ya. Wow

@scott7337 no. That is just one part and I didn't say I have a problem with the show. I specifically said it wasn't bad. But there were things that could be improved. But this is the first episode and even the first original episode of Game of Thrones was terrible and they have to reshoot it. I will be reviewing till at least ep 3 or 4. Corlys just doesn't make sense especially with the silver hair also. Targaryen's keep to their own kind as the lore goes. It would make more sense that the Meister or other primary role have the 'Hollywood token ethnic/gender swap' happening. Even friends of mine with Corlys' same tone were scratching their heads about this clearly obvious token placement where it could have been far better done elsewhere.

@tropolite Yeah it seems silly. It's one of these new fandangle diversity things where everybody needs to see their skin color on the screen or they won't enjoy it apparently. It's not escapism, it's activism.

@tropolite As far as we know, everyone from Old Valeria had white hair. It's a freakin' fantasy. Not to mention, Targaryen cousins are probably hard to come by since moving to Westeros, so I'm sure hooking up with another Valarian family is acceptable, if not "ideal".

@kuuzo And honestly, we don't know necessarily what his house is like in this universe. I know they're Valyrian and therefore described much like the Targaryens in the books, but why couldn't they be primarily black on the show? Either way, the Targaryens (and all Valyrians) were always described as having purple eyes yet nobody seems to care about that, black skin is apparently where people draw the line.

@jamesmcavoy Yes we do know because that was one of the very things that were described in the books of the Valyrians, pale fair skin, silver or golden hair, purple eyes...
The reason they don't particularly focus on the purple eyes is because very rarely the color can be seen in normal footage, only in facial closeups.

I personally don't give a damn what color people are as it's only a wrapper to the person, but the lore of a story is lore. If they chose to stick with the silver hair they should have stuck with 'pale fair skin' also. Why is the silver hair such a big part of this culture of people, because it is by lore fundamental to the story.

What would it be like to have a pale fair skinned primary character in Black Panther in the primary family of Wakanda I would be scratching my head on that stupidity too.
