A wonderful telling of a Japanese ghost story with a touch of a curse. A greedy landowner wants to tear down a shrine and the villagers don't know of who it belongs to as its always been there. He wants to replace it with a brothel which of course is going to cause uproar in the village and the spirits within the shrine.

The movie starts with one monster that has one eye called a Tsuchikorobi and this starts the story.There are plenty of monsters and while there isn't 100 there are enough to satisfy the viewer in remembering each one. The special boy who is intune with the Tsukumogami or the umbrella monster brings life to the movie. He is portrayed as the village idiot but due to his playfullness the umbrella monster is playful with him.

100 Monsters might not be for everyone but I did find it fun and enjoyed each monster especially the Neck monster which I found frightening. There is a masterless samurai that is seen in the movie while he comes off as sleepy or lazy he does prove himself. This isn't a samurai movie but more of an Horror Comedy and the trailer is what you get in the movie so if you have high expectations with expecting 100 monsters or something frightening then you will be dissapointed.

Expect the following.
1 Sleepy Masterless Samurai
Awkward Dialogue
Parade full of drunks
So much running it feels like the actors are rushing the movie
Disembodied Voices
Neck Monster
Umbrella Monster
Faceless laborers
1 Creepy Old Crone
Spear-a-rang (as seen in the trailer)

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