I get that people are excited for more politicking rather than big battles, but that doesn’t mean that what played out was interesting and not completely predictable. The show isn’t bad but it is definitely to be seen if it is good

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@jimdarko Agreed. I normally watch 3-5 episodes to make any real judgments on a show and whether I stick with it. There's lots of gushing going on here in the comment section - and about the intro of all things. Okay, we get it, they've tried to hook on the unique GoT intro and it's worked.

I'm keen for good storytelling, seeing twists, and arcs of a show, excellent acting and the craft of putting it all together. The predictability was glaring even down to the jaded aunt. And the interjection of Rhaenyra into the increasing tension, well, was predictable and of course what followed at the King's announcement to take another wife.

The only real standout for me so far is Matt Smith. He is doing a good job in his role and letting the seeping out of his underlying traits be shown to the viewer. The wrapping of the little finger was too 'in your face' - it was too laboured and would have more impact with wearing gloves and then the reveal. We're being spoon fed as viewers when we don't need to be, something I liked about the first seasons of GoT.
