Too polished, overacted crap. It has no heart, its like a soap opera with a gazillion dollar cgi budget.

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@magenof Yeah, it’s odd how its main competition (with a budget 1/3 of this) was able to secure great character actors like Rhys Ifans, Matt Smith and Paddy Constantine, while most of the cast and crew here are completely unknown, even within the indie scene. Feels like they spent most of that budget on the CGI. It doesn’t even come close to The Hobbit so far, let alone Lord of the Rings.

@jordyep Feels that way, but with stuff like this it’s always hard to know who's to blame. The directing and writing could be utterly hollow and the unknown actors are just following the story teller’s plans.

@jordyep "It doesn't even come close to The Hobbit so far, let alone LOTR" - this right here is the problem, why does everything has to be compared to LOTR? By comparing it you ruin something new that you get. Just watch and enjoy watching what they gave you, instead of ruining it by comparing it to something else. Or don't watch at all. :)

@niikolas Fair enough, I hate that as well, but even on its own merits I think it fall short so far. Maybe it’ll get there by the end though.
