Too many diehards giving their "critical" review after being butthurt it doesn't exactly match their expectations. Take their reviews with a grain of salt.

If you go into the show and just ENJOY it for everything it offers, then you will not be disappointed. I've already fallen in love with the characters and the amazing scenery. The acting is on par and the budget is as expected for Amazon!

The only complaint I have is that the orc seemed a bit OP, like fr they didn't seem that strong from the movies, but I digress. Overall, I am thoroughly impressed so far and can't wait to see where it goes!

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@macbethjonathan-gmail-com I actually really liked the orc. Remember, there's been no threats or war or conflict for many years at this point. NOBODY has seen an orc before and suddenly it's right there, savage af, in your living room. And you are unarmed.

Makes perfect sense that the orc's an actual, genuine threat. In LOTR it took trained soldiers and heroes to defeat them after all.

Meaning: "i think its good so others should love it too"
