Review by Ren

Nope 2022

Really not sure what to make of this movie, as I was having a hard time trying to decide what it wanted to be. Very obvious parts conjured images of 50s/70s television in my mind. Other, just as obvious parts felt like they wanted to make a Western, some of it "oldschool", some the more "modern" type. Some of it, I'm sure, has some "deep, underlying" meaning, issues or lectures it wants to weave into its story to educate the audience. There's a very basic down-on-their-luck people wanna get rich fast theme thrown in it for good measure. But then it also wants to be science fiction, and horror/thriller on top of that.

Far as I'm concerned, it fails in all those aspects. There's never enough time for any of that to actually unfold and flourish - and by the way time? It keeps jumping back and forth in that, too, as if constantly switching genres wasn't bad enough. There isn't enough blood/gore here to pass for horror. There isn't enough scares of any kind to keep the adrenaline up. And idk about others, but I definitely found no trace of sci-fi either: the big spoopy alien ship that's nothing but clouds for so long turns out to be a damn weather balloon (no really if you didn't get that impression, idk what to tell ya). Which is ultimately supposed to be some kind of space whale animal, except it's made of some sort of fabric? That gets popped with an actual balloon. None of it's ever expanded on or explained at any level, in any way whatsoever. Nor does any of the threads get tied up, because suddenly it's just - the end. GTFO.

It has some shots that no doubt looked great in IMAX - but outside of that they fail to be anything special. Hell, in this day and age, I'm not even sure it was that special in IMAX. And apart from that... yeah, nope. In just over two hours, I feel like I was kinda duped, as if I'd just watched a Shyamalan movie. I'd like my time back, please.

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