Review by Jordy

They’re back like they haven’t missed a beat.
It’s very smartly put together by HBO; they took the two main elements from GoT that everybody liked the most (political maneuvering & dragons) and built a new show around that. A new show that doesn’t feel like its rethreading the past (or should I say future?) in any way. Sure, both shows thematically deal with the nature of power, but these characters feel fresh and different (and I’d argue they’re equally as compelling as some of GoT’s best). I like that it isn’t a big dynasty show focussing on many different families again, but instead just contained to a few main characters. The acting’s top notch, all the main characters are once again perfectly cast. The filmmaking has gotten more cinematic since GoT (absolutely love the dramatic use of light in this show), and the CGI looks beautiful.

I’m not entirely sure what the subtext of this show is going to be. With GoT, the main takeaway to me always felt like it was commenting on the way we deal with climate change (our collective ignorance towards it, often getting caught up in petty, political bs). With this one so far, it feels like the it’s trying to state something about female independence and sexism, but we’ll see if that remains in the foreground for the rest of the show.

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